Athens by locals

Why to SegYourWay through Athens, Greece

We know that we love Athens and so would you. You have to visit Athens and feel its vibes, explore Athens with a local, ride through the streets and meet its people, discover the old and the new, the history and culture as they come together under the everlasting sunshine. That is honestly the best way to see Athens and only then you’ll know why.

Because Athens is an experience.

There are so many attractions and things to do in Athens: museums, archeological sites, stylish bars and local restaurants, a vibrant nightlife scene, exceptional dining venues. Sightseeing in Athens is a never-ending journey, a voyage of discovery of no return.

Because street food in Athens is phenomenal.

Walk through the picturesque neighborhoods of Athens, follow the aromas of mouth-watering Greek delights, original gyros and souvlaki dishes with Greek salad, tzatziki dip and Greek cold ouzo.

Because Athens is home to numerous music festivals and concerts.

While you are in Athens, live as the Athenians and attend a local or national festival which is considered one of the most popular things to do in Athens. Savor the most amazing street food from around the world at the famous street food festival, get your jazz on at the Technopolis Jazz festival or rock till you drop at Terra Vibe and the Rockwave Festival.

Because Athens is the only European Capital with 14 Blue Flag Beaches.

With 50kms of coastline, the Athenian Metropolis is not only a cosmopolitan capital city but also a beach and sailing destination for travelers planning their holidays in Athens. The beaches of Athens well deserve their place amidst the top Athens attractions as you can see for yourself.

Because Athens is filled with secret passages.

That Athens’ Planetarium is Unique.

Sightseeing in Athens goes beyond sites and attractions, beyond history and modern culture. Let’s go to the future and experience science at one of the largest and best equipped planetariums in the world.
When you choose SegYourWay sightseeing in Athens you will witness what others neglect, see the unseen and know the unknown. You will glide on secret passages and learn things only few could acknowledge.
So, the question is: are you ready to see Athens your way?